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  • allthingsmindpodca

How To Control Anxiety And Being On Edge. My One Secret Tip.

For all of those that don’t suffer from anxiety well done you. How does it feel to be God‘s favourite? And for all of us that do, it’s okay I got you. A lot of us are going through the anxiety associated with the start of a new year. Everything is speeding up again, our new year targets are now real things we have to work towards, we are starting a new chapter in work or school or whatever. It’s all a lot basically. The one question I hear a lot is ‘What do I do when it gets too much?’

Well worry no more Winnie, even though I’m not a medical professional and this isn’t any medical advice- still see your doctor please and thank you- I do have something that can help. How do I know? Because it helps me. This is the one thing I do… are you ready?

I ask myself what is it that’s making me anxious. I really think about it, because it’s easy to not really know what it is that’s making you stay up at night when you’re naturally anxious anyway. And once I have the answer I think of scenarios it could play out. Usually the worst case scenario is something I know I’ll be able to handle should it come about- God forbid of course. But my point is you need to face what is is that’s causing you the problem- actually get to the root of it. If you can talk about it with someone and hear their thoughts on it as well it can help a lot. It’s easy to stress over things that we don’t have answers to or scenarios that might not even happen because we are human. So tell yourself it’s okay to be feeling this way and it’s also okay to ask yourself why you feel this way and walk through it slowly. So all my anxious people let’s not let our anxiety get the better of us. Big deep breaths and just take everything as it comes. One step at a time. Now go and enjoy your year and don’t let anything get in the way!

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