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  • allthingsmindpodca

How to be good at self care in 2022?

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

After the event, which we won’t speak about, a lot of people have found themselves wondering how to take better care of themselves. Whether you’ve googled it, gone on YouTube or asked a real life friend one thing is true… everyone wants to practise good self care.

So what have I found out? First of all I’ve found out that living in a big city life is very fast. Everyone is on the daily grind- yes that saying that we all hear and love- we all want to achieve big. But the best form of self care isn’t about the latest yoga class you’ve signed up for- I see you Katherine. Or even the new meditation routine you’ve got going on- well done you for mastering something that to be honest I struggle to do. And no not even the fact that you’ve started treating yourself once a month to that takeaway because you realised you had a problem and delivery and you were a step away from forming a romantic relationship.

Self care is allowing yourself to ask if you are taking on too much. It’s allowing yourself to start something new and say fudge it- it’s okay if I fail and don’t master this in one go. Self care is about putting yourself first (I know give me a Pulitzer right?) and making sure you’re not just going through the motions. The thing that happened to the world which we won’t mention, even though horrendous, allowed time to slow down for everyone and have us really think about the direction our lives were taking. It made us look into the things that bring us joy and figure out the things that weren’t making us smile. We looked inward and if we didn’t like what we saw had the ability to change. Asking these things and living the life you want is the best form of self care I’ve figured out. So I’m going to ask you… are you really happy?


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