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  • allthingsmindpodca


Updated: Jan 2, 2022

Congratulations for getting to 2022 first of all. Genuinely give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate because these last few years have been very difficult. So the new year is usually the time when people start making their resolutions and all the things they want to change and better about themselves. See I’ve always found this weird because I don’t think change needs to start on the first of January. Hear me out Patricia don’t roll your eyes just yet.


When setting goals or trying to quit a habit I’ve never found planning when I’ll start to be particularly helpful. Usually next week becomes next month next year…. you get the point. It’s easy to fall into a cycle of thinking change should happen once a year. But what if you can change now. Literally RIGHT NOW. Like drop that biscuit and pick up some vegetables. Yes you I see you. What if you go jogging after reading this instead of doing it tomorrow. What if you start reading more today rather than next month. Which is next year. Which is tomorrow. Love that- sorry not sorry. My point is what would your brain do if you just did these things? I don’t think it would say oh no Georgie I can’t do that right now it’s too much info I’m about to go into overload help me ahhhhhhhhhh. It won’t I promise. If anything I think your brain will like the challenge. And I think you’ll trick it into thinking this isn’t a crazy nee thing we are starting but more just a new addition to the way we are living.


So what am I saying for those that are still confused. I’m saying don’t you make that list and out a date on it. If you want to start it just start it now. Change doesn’t have a date, it happens because you’ve set your mind to it and have just taken the leap. So my challenge to you is not to wait till tomorrow. If you have a resolution start it now. I dare you. Happy new year lovelies and all the best to you!

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